A32 DANTE review on amazona.de
Heads up! German website AMAZONA.de has just released their review of our flagship A32 Dante unit.
Though the full review is performed by their experts we’ve been kindly granted permission to publish a link to it. Follow this link to review.
Ferrofish converters for the Simple Minds Tour
Engineer, Technician and Programmer Vincent Barker about using RME audio interfaces and Ferrofish converters. Vincent Barker has been performing live sound, FOH duties and keyboard-teching since the mid 70’s. Having started out in his native Australia, he moved to the UK in 1983, working for a variety of audio production companies that specialise in live […]
B4000+ Organ at Musikmesse 2018
Product Overview / by Sonicstate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19MgXBJFAao
Ferrofish A32 Dante Converter
Product Overview / by Synthax Inc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VByyW_XEscU
Base settings for Ferrofish A32 Dante
Product Tutorial / by Atlanta Sound Guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=li0A9iQYBJY
Ferrofish Pulse 16 AD/DA converter
Product Overview / by Synthax Inc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRhm77NqCms
Advantages of Madi
Multichannel Audio Digital Interface The AES10 standard – or it’s common designation MADI – is today’s unchallenged Pro Audio Industry standard for the digital point-to-point transmission of multiple audio channels. The MADI format is no mystery. It is based on the common digital AES/EBU standard (AES3). Up to 32 AES/EBU signals (= 64 channels) are […]